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Benno Fuchs, Puro.Earth, Finland
Hansjörg Lerchenmüller - European Biochar Industry Consortium, Germany
Jon Irizarry - Bio-Restorative Ideas LLC, Puerto Rico
Jon Irizarry, Chairman of the startup Bio-Restorative Ideas (BRi, LLC) shares three key elements that have helped their biochar production project gain traction and achieve their goals. In this talk, Jon explains the importance of carefully crafting your story, understanding your risks and aiming for a data-driven operation when starting a new business activity.
Pietro Bartocci - University of Perugia & Phoenix Italy Srl, Italy
Bill Naylor - Lee Enterprises Consulting Partners LLC, USA
This presentation provides a comparison of comparison of the physical and adsorptive properties of activated carbon and biochar. It also emphasizes the advantages of biochar in traditional activated carbon applications. The conclusion provides general guidance for biochar manufacturers wishing to participate in these markets.
Marshall Mermell - Advanced Resilient Technology Limited, UK
Mart de Bruijn - Dutch Carboneers, NL
Edgar Ramirez Huerta - Celignis, Ireland
Suzanne Allaire - GECA Environment, Canada
Owais Ali Wani - Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir, India
Van Hien Nguyen - Soils and Fertilizers Research Institute, Vietnam
This study evaluates the role of biochar on soil quality, carbon storage, and crop yield (tea and rice) in Northern Vietnam. Three biochars, including wood biochar (WBC), rice husk biochar (RBC), and bamboo biochar (BBC), were produced at temperatures around 550oC. The biochars were mixed at a ratio of 1:1:1 and added into Farm Yard Manure for composting (5% biochar). The results from the field trials indicate that the biochar products have a positive impact on soil quality, carbon storage, and crop yield. Particularly, soil organic carbon (SOC) in tea-cultivated soil applied biochar products was increased from 19 to 20% for topsoil (0-20 cm) and 6.41 to 13.16% for subsoil (20-40 cm) comparison to control.
Javier Gonzalez - U.S. Department of Agriculture - Agriculture Research Service, USA
Added-value products from used creosote-treated railroad ties, including creosote recovery and char production, were investigated in this study using pyrolysis at 700C. Under the conditions of this study and relative to the raw material, creosote recovery in condensates was 87.4 wt.%, and only trace levels (<0.01 wt. %) were found in the char material. The sorption of phosphate and nitrate to the char was null or low. Other pyrolysis conditions are being conducted to improve the sorption capabilities of pollutants to chars while maximizing creosote recovery.
Veera Boddu – U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USA
This presentation summarizes the synthesis of fertilizer-infused cocoa pod biochar using a biodegradable polymer. Dry cocoa pods were pyrolyzed at 500 ºC and 700 ºC under nitrogen environment. The biochars were characterized for elemental composition, surface area, morphology, crystallinity, and surface functional groups. Preliminary release rates of the fertilizers from the slow-release fertilizer-enriched biochar are discussed.
Mariem Zouari - InnoRenewCoE, Slovenia
During this presentation, the properties and formaldehyde adsorption efficiency of biochar samples prepared from Arundo donax and olive stone at variable pyrolysis temperatures were discussed. Higher pyrolysis temperature favored the development of porous and microporous structure of the biochar which contributed to a relatively high adsorption efficiency. The spent biochar material was thermally regenerated and tested for several adsorption cycles and the reusability was evaluated.
David Vaughan - Carbogenics, UK
Carbogenics has developed CreChar©, a biochar specifically for use in the biogas industry. Extensive laboratory trials determined a set of characteristics which allow CreChar to be added to an anaerobic digestion fermenter to enhance the efficiency of the fermenter microbiology and improve biogas production. Subsequent industrial trials have shown that, as well as improving the volume of biogas produced, there is an increase in the methane concentration of the biogas and a reduction in the ammonia concentration of the digestate. This all adds up to a more stable and productive microbiological consortia and smoother plant operation.
27.07.2023 / Agnieszka Korus - The Silesian University of Technology, Poland
27.07.2023 / Siddharth Kaul - Alcom Pte Ltd., UK
19.10.2023 / Marc Moons - Viktor Goes Green / Bambou Masse Benin, Belgium
19.10.2023 / Abhishek Kumar Chaubey - Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
02.11.2023 / Sebastian Manhart - Carbonfuture, Germany
02.11.2023 / Alaa Salma - UniLasalle Rennes, France
16.11.2023 / Viktor Radic - Polytechnik GmbH, Austria
16.11.2023 / Giovanni Rusconi - Ecofast Italia Srl, Italy
30.11.2023 / Manuel Schwabl - BEST - Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies, Austria
30.11.2023 / Lorenzo Animali - Roma Tre University, Italy
14.12.2023 / Sean Thomas - University of Toronto, Canada
14.12.2023 / Marshall Mermell - Advanced Resilient Biocarbon, USA
04.01.2024 / Maria-Elena Vorrath - University of Hamburg, Germany
04.01.2024 / Paul Anderson & James Schoner - Cercs.io, USA
18.01.2024 / Micheil Gordon - EcoLocked GmbH, Germany
18.01.2024 / Magdalena Joka Yildiz - Bialystok University of Technology, Poland
01.02.2024 / Audrey Ngambia - University of Edinburgh, Scotland
01.02.2024 / Sara de Jesus Duarte - The next 150, Switzerland
15.02.2024 / Markus Paulsson - Ann-Mari Fransson - City of Lund/Linnaeus University, SWE
15.02.2024 / Wiebe Pronker - DOPS Recylcing Technologies, Netherlands
29.02.2024 / Kristin Trippe - U.S.D.A Agricultural Research Service, USA
29.02.2024 / Markus Klemmer - Planetzero.earth, Vietnam
09.05.2024 / Mayo Ryan – Sitos Group, USA
09.05.2024 / Doug Farrell – Method Capital, Ireland
09.05.2024 / Hansjörg Lerchenmüller- European Biochar Industry Consortium, Germany
23.05.2024 / Bart Vandecasteele – ILVO, Belgium
23.05.2024 / Hugh McLaughlin – Trinity Biocarbon, Egypt
06.06.2024 / Pawel Kuznicki & Mohammad Shofie - WasteX, Singapore
06.06.2024 / Angela del Pilar Barrero Bernal – Advanced Resilient Biocarbon, USA
20.06.2024 / Maria Pimenta-Ocampo – EBRI / Aston University, UK
20.06.2024 / Mattia Bartoli - Politecnico di Torino, Italy
04.07.2024 / Sven Jensen - Dürr Systems AG, Germany
04.07.2024 / Mari Selvam S - National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India
18.07.2024 / Palsan Sannasi Abdullah - Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia
18.07.2024 / Christian Wieth – Aquagreen, DK
31.10.2024 / Thomas Bachmann – Biochar Zero, Germany
31.10.2024 / Elizabeth Lee – Carbon Cell, UK
14.11.2024 / Ueli Steiner - Carbon Standards International, Switzerland
14.11.2024 / Andrew Ndudi Efomah - Tianjin University, China
28.11.2024 / Rajeev Baruah - Beetle Regen Solutions, India
28.11.2024 / Paul Anderson - Woodgas Pyrolytics Inc., USA
16.01.2025 / Suzanne Allaire - GECA Environment, Canada
12.12.2024 / Hendrik Biebuyck - E-mission C, Belgium
12.12.2024 / Hugh McLaughlin - Trinity Biocarbon, Egypt
16.01.2025 / Felizitas Schlederer - Université Laval, Canada
Katharina Danner - Char2Cool, Germany
Alex Wilcox Brooke - Severn Wye Energy Agency, UK
Ivan Kozyatnyk - Linköping University, Sweden
Water quality deterioration is a critical problem globally, especially in developing countries. The topic of the presentation is the development of low-cost methods for household greywater treatment by biochars produced during cooking and Moringa oleifera seeds proteins. The technique is being tested for purification of grey wastewater from the bathroom, kitchen and laundry to remove organic pollutants and heavy metals for recycling for the same purposes and home gardening. This is a collaborative work between Region Östergotland and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden and CIFOR-ICRAF, University of Nairobi and farmer researchers in Kenya.
Jaroslav Mosko - University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic
Turning sewage sludge into sludge-char (biochar from sewage sludge) and its application on soil can provide several benefits compared to direct sludge application, including removal of organic pollutants present in the sludge, potential for improvement of soil physical properties, carbon sequestration. This presentation provides overview on sewage sludge disposal methods and the effect of pyrolysis temperature on properties of sludge-char, and discusses the precautionary principle with regards to sludge-char application on soil with respect to organic contaminants.

Mattia Bartoli - Politecnico di Torino, Italy
The development of green solutions for the electrocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide or for oxygen reduction reaction is topic of great interesting. The use of engineered biochar represent a game changing approach to the field promoting at the same time the processes sustainability and the high performances. In this talk we are presenting the most recent advancement in the filed stressed the role of the biochar in the functional electrode production
Erlend Sørmo - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway
Jarinda Viaene - ILVO, Belgium
Biochar amendment during biomass processing could improve those processes and reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases and NH3. Afterwards, the biochar-enriched end products can be further used as soil improver, slow-release fertilizer or growing media constituent (replacer for peat), leading to multiple-use or cascading of biochar. This presentation gives an overview of the effects of biochar on manure processing and anaerobic digestion and on the characteristics of the end products. The experiments were performed as part of the BASTA project

Silvia Scozzafava - Aichi Obiettivo 20, Italy
This is an introductory presentation of BlockCO2, an innovative project by an Italian startup, Aichi Obiettivo 20. It is a coordinated set of methodology, certification scheme and blockchain platform meant for issuing Credi-C, the carbon credits that return revenue to those who create value. The system is particularly suited to support rural communities acting as stewards of their natural capital, by means of sustainable forestry, ecosystem restoration and regenerative agriculture projects
Martina Leon - ARTi, USA
Manure, a source of revenues which has a potential environmental benefit when it is turned into biochar. ARTi’s biochar production units (BPUs) have made it possible to process any type of organic residue, including manure. ARTi show case scenarios to evaluate the biochar value by its chemical composition. Assessing a value to organic carbon, but also to the NPK content.
Jordon Gruber - IFF, Danisco Animal Nutrition and Health, USA
Biochar is a platform technology that allows for potential circular economies within poultry production. To this end, biochar is already established as a soil amendment and can now be investigated for its impact in the poultry production environment. Here were will explore proof-of-concept work on biochar in poultry production and identify key trends that highlight the effect of biochar to support positive outcomes.
Diego Baragano - University of Oviedo, Portugal
Biochar is of great interest for its effectiveness in soil remediation by reducing the mobility of metals. However, its application can mobilize some metalloids, such as arsenic. On the other hand, nanoscale zero-valent iron is another promising material that has proved to be an excellent soil amendment for arsenic immobilization. In this sense, researchers from University of Oviedo and Czech University of Life Sciences Prague have explored the combination or modification of biochar with nZVI for the simultaneous treatment of soils contaminated by metals and metalloids. This seminar presents new advances in this topic with emphasis not only on laboratory experiments, but also on field applications. Impressions from mining and industrial companies will also be presented.

Jonas de Smedt - Ghent University, Belgium
This study has demonstrated that using a eutectic mixture holds several benefits over a pure activating agent. Not only are higher yields obtained, but it also seems possible to optimise the pore formation in specific areas without affecting the overall specific surface area. Addition of specific compounds in a eutectic mixture could lead to tailored pore formation specifically developed for selective adsorption.
Elias Sebastian Azzi - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Anwarul Islam - James Cook University, Australia
Silver nanoparticles are very effective in various nanotechnology applications and are used in a wide variety of products, including consumer goods, electronics, and analytical equipment. As the applications of silver nanoparticles increase, the environmental pollution due to silver nanoparticles release is also increasing and affecting especially the aqueous ecosystem. It is
crucial to remove silver nanoparticles from wastewater before it is discharged into other water streams. Biochar produced from the biomass waste could be a suitable adsorbent. This review focuses on collating the latest evidence on silver nanoparticle production, applications, environmental consequences, and cost-effective technological approaches for silver removal from wastewater.
Suzanne Allaire - GECA Environment, Canada
The North American market of Biochar/biocoal is growing rapidly in part due to rules and regulations for carbon penalties for large emitters and also carbon credits. Large-scale production projects are coming as a co-product of renewable energy.
Nicolò Morselli - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
A study on how gasification-powered thermal weeding could solve several cons of current weeding practices at the same time: the use of herbicides is avoided, diffusion of micro-scale gasification is promoted and biochar is co-produced and reused in the same farms.
Oliver Grogono - Standard Gas Ltd, UK
Exploring the carbon dioxide removal accounting of mixed waste feedstocks into biochar using pyrolysis; what characteristics should be assessed and why these are suitable for all carbon dioxide removal projects. And then, why Web3 technology appears to be a suitable candidate to record and distribute information from carbon dioxide removals.
Hamish Creber - University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Carla Perez - Umea University, Sweden
Harald Bier - European Biochar Industry Consortium
Ueli Steiner - Carbon Standards International
Berta Moya - Carbonfuture
Marcel Huber - Syncraft
Four of the main players in the European Biochar Market present their views about the current market development, its future path and potential risks of the exponential growth of the market.
Anil Kumar Sakhiya - IIT Delhi, India
Raw biochar has limited applicability due to its lower surface area, starved porosity, and sparse surface functional groups. Hence, physical and chemical activation of biochar is often performed to enhance the surface chemistry and properties. In this talk, steam activation and chemical activation using potassium acetate are compared in terms of economic and environmental performance.
Rianne de Visser - TNO, Netherlands
Large scale biochar production or co-production is still scarce today. In this talk, experiences of 10 years of reactor design and testing are summarised to show advantages and disadvantages of several reactor types. The economics of a moving grate reactor, the ENERCHAR concept, are discussed in detail, to showcase the competitiveness of biochar production to replace peat substrate in agricultural settings.
Mattia Bartoli, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Carbon materials and energy storage are a rapidly expanding research area. Here, the use of biochar in batteries is discussed with an example made from cotton fibres. Additionally, the latest results for the use of tea waste biochar in a fuel cell are presented. A special focus is placed on the possibility to alter biochars properties using different production parameters, such as a CO2 atmosphere or the addition of urea prior to pyrolysis.
Jan Mumme - Carbogenics, UK
The use of biochar in anaerobic digestion is a promising area with direct economic benefits. Biochars have the ability to increase AD health and optimise the fermentation process, resulting in increased and stable performance of biogas production. Carbogenics, an Edinburgh based spinout company, presents their experience in industrial trials using biochar.
Manish Kumar - CSIR, India
Many practical issues of use and productivity of Rotatable Covered Cavity (RoCC) kilns are presented in the context of efforts since mid-2021 in Bungoma County, Kenya, the first location with a sustained effort. The video as well as the 40 slide presentation without video can be found at https://woodgas.com/resources .
Paul Anderson - Woodgas Pyrolytics Inc., USA & Gilbert Mwangi
Many practical issues of use and productivity of Rotatable Covered Cavity (RoCC) kilns are presented in the context of efforts since mid-2021 in Bungoma County, Kenya, the first location with a sustained effort. The video as well as the 40 slide presentation without video can be found at https://woodgas.com/resources .
Rosie Wood - University of Edinburgh, UK
Molecular modelling is a useful tool to study biochars in a systematic and reproducible manner. However, at present, molecular modelling of biochars is a complex task due to the lack of freely available models in literature. In this presentation, Rosie Wood discusses her work on the development of molecular models representative of woody biochars produced a low (400ºC), medium (600ºC) and high (800ºC) highest treatment temperatures. For each biochar-type, a model of the bulk and a model with exposed surfaces has been constructed. All will soon be made freely available via GitHub (https://github.com/Erastova-group/biochar_models) and can be used in a wide range of molecular modelling based studies of biochars.
Palsan Sannasi Abdullah - Universiti of Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia
This project highlights agro waste utilization and conversion, product development of biochar enriched planting media mix, its production with community engagement, and the successful inception of Team BioArang Jeli. Transforming and empowering the community, not by means of continuous assistance but by adopting a social enterprise model, to help themselves, and help others, themselves, while caring for the environment.
Farid Safari - University of Ontario, Canada
Biochar and hydrochar are produced from conversion of biomass in non-aqueous and aqueous media, respectively. Biochar and hydrochr from algae have unique properties such as high surface area (porous structure) and richness in alkaline and alkaline earth metals. Biochar and hydrochar from algae can be used as catalyst/support and as electrode material for electrochemical applications.
Mattia Bartoli - Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Biochar is among the most intriguing support for the
production of heterogeneous catalysts. We report the major
outcomes of Carbon group for the production of biochar
based catalytic materials.
Gabriel Sigmund - University of Vienna, Austria
Gabriel Sigmund from the University of Vienna in this presentation explains how neutral, polar, and ionic organic contaminants sorb to biochar and activated carbon. Potentials and limitation of their use for contaminant removal are also discussed
Paul Anderson, James Schoner and Gilbert Mwangi
The four topics are 1) production technology via RoCC Kilns,
2) an operational biochar project in Kenya Project (plus other places),
3) measurement and reporting via the CERCS™ App Ecosystem with CharTrac™ and
4) aspects regarding Financing via Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR).
With 55 slides, this is a good overview and integration of these diverse but interconnected topics.
The video as well as the slides without video can be found at https://woodgas.com/resources .
Joshua Msika - The James Huttom Institute, UK
This presentation covers the results of a literature review into the potential of on-farm pyrolysis/biochar in the Scottish upland context. I cover biochar’s likely climate effects, its agricultural applications and the technical challenges of implementing pyrolysis and biochar on a farm. I conclude that if these challenges can be overcome, the most climate-positive application in the Scottish Uplands would appear to be biochar from forestry wastes, pyrolyzed to optimise for high carbon stability and high heat production and applied to cool, acidic soils in order to boost tree or grass growth after having been co-composted with livestock manures.
Elias Sebastian Azzi - KTH Stockholm, Sweden
In Sweden, biochar market development is mainly driven by use in urban applications like tree planting, green roofs, and landscaping soil. New applications for water treatment and concrete are also being developed. We had two research questions: i) what is the environmental performance of biochar products compared to current products? and, ii) how much biochar do we need in a city? We performed life cycle assessments and material flow analysis applied to the case of Uppsala, Sweden. Biochar products tend to perform better when they replace other problematic materials with high impacts, but environmental trade-offs also exists.
Richard Jackson - Standard Gas Ltd., UK
Much work has been done on suitable sequestration pathways for biochar that is derived from 100% plant origins with many accepted methodologies that allow producers to benefit financially through carbon removal credits. Here I look at why the market for this type of biochar has remained small as the feedstock often has to be paid for so the overall process is uneconomic. A way forward lies in developing uses for the biogenic fraction of char from the pyrolysis of household waste where the economics are much more favourable but this requires more work to be done on developing pathways for sequestering that char as it is unsuitable for topical land use.
Anwarul Islam – James Cook University, Australia
Silver nanoparticles are one of the most beneficial forms of heavy metals in nanotechnology applications. Due to its exceptional antimicrobial properties, low electrical and thermal resistance, they are used in a wide variety of products, including consumer goods, healthcare, and electronics. When released into the environment the same antimicrobial properties can present toxic consequences, making it crucial to remove silver nanoparticles from wastewater. Several
removal technologies are available, but adsorption on low-cost materials such as biochar might be the most promising way forward.
Frank Brigano - Glanris Water Systems Inc., USA
Glanris rice husk biochar is a designer or hybrid media that can remove organic and inorganic contaminants, e.g., heavy metals, from the water environment. Produced from agricultural waste using a patented process, the Glanris media sequesters carbon preventing the carbon from impacting the climate plus has been demonstrated to remove a variety of heavy metals from water, retaining metal removal function in the presence of light oils, as well as removing organic contaminants. This presentation gives an overview of the impact of rice husk waste on the climate, charring technology, laboratory and field data showing the efficaciousness of the Glanris rice husk biochar plus potential media applications.
Asterios Papageorgiou – KTH Stockholm, Sweden
The use of biochar to stabilize soil contaminants is emerging as a technique for remediation of contaminated soils. This presentation describes the findings from an environmental assessment of systems where biochar produced from wood waste with energy recovery is used for remediation of soils contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metal(loid)s in Sweden. The assessment combined material and energy flow analysis, life cycle assessment, and substance flow analysis
Elisa Cavallin - Hasselt University, Belgium
This presentation is meant to provide some information on the legal dimension of biochar and to provide an overview of the opportunities and bottlenecks in the biochar value chain. The scope of the presentation is limited to European law and policy and to this moment in time with an outlook on the future. The presentation covers developments in policy that are relevant for the biochar value chain after the publication of the Green Deal and some documents adopted under its umbrella, in particular the Circular Economy Action Plan and the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies. In addition, some developments in legislation are also considered and explained, namely the new Fertilising Products Regulation and the new Organic legislation. Finally, some bottlenecks are described, i.a. with regards to the waste and the chemicals legislation, and some potential opportunities are highlighted."
Robert Lavoie – Air Terra Inc., Canada
Manvendra Patel - Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Low cost adsorbents are essential for aqueous contaminants removal in developing countries. Biochars and engineered biochars provide a sustainable solution. This webinar presents the development, characterization and application of biochars. Developed biochars provide excellent sorption capacity for ciprofloxacin and acetaminophen sorption. Magnetization of biochar enhanced sorption capacity several times. Thus, biochars developed from locally available abundant waste materials can be a sustainable solution
Peter Olivier - The Burning Question, USA
The founding story of biochar comprises a lot of enthusiasm about re-establishing a millenia old technology to sequester carbon in soils as illustrated by the discovery of Terra Preta in Brazil. However, a decade after the first wave of a renewed interest in biochar, the industry is still in its infancy. This talk draws a line from the early perceptions and misperceptions of biochar to current obstacles in industrialising the sector.
Sara Lago Oliveira - Edafotec SL, Spain
Traditional soil remediation technologies are costly and not environmentally friendly. This webinar presents biochar as a solution for soil decontamination when mixed with tailor-made artificial soils, which is an eco-friendly solution, cost-effective and also contributes to a circular and climate neutral economy.
Filipe Rego - Aston University, UK
Using slow pyrolysis wheat straw char to decontaminate water showed that adsorption performance comparable to commercial activated carbon can be achieved. Lower temperature char was the best performing, removing 95% of an organic dye from solution, which was connected to surface chemical functionalities. Modifications to the process (increasing feedstock moisture content, using CO2 atmosphere, or feedstock KOH-impregnation) allowed in some cases to improve adsorption performance and can potentially lead to better tailored products.
Sonil Nanda - Titan Clean Energy Projects Corporation, Canada
Biofuels and biomaterials are gaining attention because of their ecofriendly nature and renewable precursors. Biochar is a recalcitrant carbonaceous product obtained from pyrolysis, carbonization, torrefaction and gasification of renewable biomass and other biogenic wastes. This presentation provides insights on some of the promising applications of biochar such as waste-to-energy, reclamation of degraded soils and wastewater, carbon sequestration and manufacturing of specialty activated carbons and engineered biomaterials.
Przemyslaw Maziarka - Ghent University, Belgium
Musa Idris Tanimu - University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Harald Bier - European Biochar Industry Consortium, Germany
Mattia Bartoli - Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Yurong Liu - Curtin University, Australia
Paul Anderson - Woodgas Pyrolytics Inc., USA
Cecilia Sundberg - KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Hugh Mclaughlin - Next Char LLC, USA
Christian Wurzer - University of Edinburgh, UK
Krishna Hara Chakravarty - Mash Energy, Denmark
Jorge López Ordovás - Aston University, UK
Hugh McLaughlin - NextChar LLC, USA
Mukarram Zubair - Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
Hugh McLaughlin - NextChar LLC, USA
Gerrit Surup - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Paul Anderson - Woodgas Pyrolytics Inc., USA
Stella Foster - University of Leeds, UK
Michael Shafer - Warm Heart Worldwide, Thailand
Gözde Duman - Ege University, Turkey
Anna Trubetskaya - University of Limerick, Ireland
Robert Bachmann - University of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Cecilia Sundberg - KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Servann Herou - Imperial College London, UK
Abhilasha Tripathi - Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
Ifeoma Edeh - University of Edinburgh, UK
Wolfram Buss - Australian National University, Canberra
Sabina Nicolae - Queen Mary University London, UK
3rd October 2019
Jorge Lopez Ordovas - Aston University, UK
10th October 2019
Josephine Getz - Technological University Dublin, Ireland
10th October 2019
Christian di Stasi - University of Zaragoza, Spain
24th October 2019
Gianluca Greco - University of Zaragoza, Spain
24th October 2019
Filipe Rego - Aston University, UK
31st October 2019
Anjali Jayakumar - University of Edinburgh, UK
31st October 2019
Anthony Szego - Stockholm University, Sweden
7th November 2019
Steff Ghysels - Ghent University, Belgium
7th November 2019
Pierpaolo Modugno - Queen Mary University London, UK
14th November 2019
Giulia Ravenni - Technical University of Denmark
14th November 2019
Xia Wang - Stockholm University, Sweden
21st November 2019
Session 10.2
Pablo Arauzo - University of Hohenheim, Germany
21st November 2019
Qusay Ibrahim - Fraunhofer Institute, Germany
28th November 2019
Dilani Rathnayake - Ghent University, Belgium
28th November 2019
Maciej Olszewski - University of Hohenheim, Germany
5th December 2019
Przemyslaw Maziarka - Ghent University, Belgium
12th December 2019
Judith Gonzalez Arias - University of Leon, Spain
19th December 2019
Elias Azzi - KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden